Sunday, February 06, 2011


I'm currently watching "All About Eve," a film I've heard a lot about, but never got around to watching.  That Eve is a BITCH!  And Bette Davis...what can I say?  She's a classic, an icon, and her eyes...They definitely give new meaning to Kim Carnes' 80s hit song.

Since we're on the subject of sultry actresses with a classic, unique flare, I have to admit that I'm going through another Tabrett Bethell withdrawal.  And I miss Mistress Cara fiercely.  Sigh.  I'm such a geek when it comes to this exquisite woman.  Need I remind you as to why?

Now that I've somewhat satisfied my TB/CM fix (I said somewhat, not entirely and not ever, so expect more of Ms. Bethell and Mistress Cara to pop up now and again), I'm patiently waiting for Lea Michelle to perform at the Super Bowl.  I really don't care to see men in tights throwing balls around and participating in some ass-patting ritual, although I have no objection if they were gay men in tights with balls and some asinine ritual because I support my peeps no matter what.  =)  Hey wait?  Did Lea Michelle already perform?  Oh crap!  I'm bummed.  Oh well, at least I can look forward to a new Glee eppy tonight!

Oh wait!  Lea's performing now!  Yay!!!

Here's to the underdogs!


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on Tab. She really needs to come back with something I can watch regularly again. The best I do is keep up with all the random content they dig up and post at her website,

The Clinic is out on DVD soon... so thats cool. (I hear they show her full frontal.)

HRD said...

I'm there with you about keeping up with anything and everything Tabrett Bethell related on various sites dedicated to her awesomeness. And I'm thrilled that The Clinic will be out on DVD soon. I also want to get my hands on Anyone You Want. She looks so adorable in the trailer! I'm such a sucker for Tab...