Friday, September 19, 2008


I'm angry. So angry that I could hit something, someone.

Yesterday, BB told me that she gained some incite from her co-worker. Apparently, her co-worker said that talking with her ex-husband, a person she despises, helped her to cope with the anger she feels toward him. Her co-worker also said that it allowed her to reach past her hate to maintain somewhat of a relationship with her ex-husband for their children's benefit. I understand and agree with BB's co-worker.

BB then told me that she decided to call her ex to gain some closure. BB claims that she's over the whole break-up, but not over the part where her ex took everything and left her with a shitload of debt. BB blames her ex for her financial situation, which led to BB having to file for bankruptcy. I understand why BB needs closure for that aspect of their relationship.

However, BB told me the most wonderful (sarcasm spills from my lips) news this morning after she hung up with her ex. BB told me every detail, including the part where they exchanged e-mails and promises to keep in touch. Apparently, they have resumed their friendship, as if the past suddenly disappeared. All those times I listened to BB tell me the horrible stories about the past; they no longer existed. POOF! Just like that, and they were gone. I didn't get it. I still don't get it. There's no reason for this! No kids, nada, nothing!

I'm angry because BB felt the need to call her ex!

I'm angry because BB called her ex!

I'm angry because BB told her ex she hated her back then, but not why she did!

I'm angry because BB's ex knows how much she's affected BB, so much that BB felt the need to call her after so much time has elapsed!

I'm angry because BB's ex may think the worst of BB and of our relationship!

I'm angry because BB's ex may think me and our relationship a mere 'rebound'!

I'm angry because BB decided to resume and maintain a friendship with her ex, a person who doesn't deserve BB's friendship!

I'm angry because BB's so...blind to see that this is all so stupid!

I'm angry because BB's ex isn't here so I can bitch slap her!

I'm angry because this situation has me seeing red!

I'm angry because BB and I fought about this!

I'm angry because BB and I are not talking!

I'm angry because I took it out on Roran!

I'm angry because I feel betrayed!

I'm angry!



This fucking blows.

Relationships SUCK!!!

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