An envelope from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) came in the mail today for BB and I. I thought, 'What the hell do they want now?!'
The DNC rendered my vote inconsequential and stifled my voice in this allegedly democratic voting process. At least, the DNC tried to stifle my voice. No more! My loyalty to the DNC has waned since the bitter primary campaign season ended.
Those in power, the likes of Reid and Pelosi, and traitors like Richardson sealed the deal for Obama's coronation as the Democratic presidential nominee, and the biased, sexist, and pro-Obama media happily fueled the anti-Hillary (and Bill) sentiment. Need I mention the disastrous and unfair caucus system? Obama supporters called my friends 'racist' because they chose to vote, as it is their right, for Hillary instead.
Is this democracy?! NO! Democracy means freedom! Freedom without fear or backlash!
This primary campaign season has made me question our democratic process. It has made me question my country and its principles. It has made me question my loyalty to my party. It has made me question my choice for president. Do I stick with my party, the party that hindered my vote and attempted to stifle my voice, and vote for Obama, a person whom I am not able to trust? Or do I choose another party's candidate because that candidate appears to be the lesser of two evils?
All I know is I'm undecided and consider myself an independent.
Maybe I should sell my vote on e-bay instead.
Don't feign surprise. This is no longer the America that we know. What is left of a country when it's democratic process fails? A communist state.
On a last note, isn't it funny how stupid Obama is for not picking Hillary as his VP? Instead, McCain, the Republican candidate, chose wisely by picking a female for his VP. It's all about Palin now, no longer about Obama. He must be crying like a baby now that the spotlight has waned. Great move on McCain's part! Palin's no Hillary Clinton, but she's tough and, most importantly, she's a woman.
Don't tell me how I should utilize my right to vote! I am American! I have the freedom to choose!
Down with the DNC!
Hillary in 2012!
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