Friday, May 25, 2012

Oh Yeah! Today Is My Birthday

Woke up this morning feeling...jolly good!  Today is my birthday, and it doesn't matter that I'm another year older.  I'm simply happy to be alive and well.  Life could be far better than it currently is, but if it were, it would probably be just plain boring.  I say go with the flow and embrace life as it is.  That's not to say accept things as they are, but to adapt and change for the better.  For the most part, live, laugh, love.  Be free and authentic.  Simply be.

With that said, allow me to share photos of my special day spent at the Las Vegas Springs Preserve and the Nevada State Museum.

Nevada State Museum

The Columbian Mammoth
Ichthyosaur (top) and Pacific Horse (bottom)
The Columbian Mammoth
The Trails at the Springs Preserve

The Spring House remains, a restoration site.

I love archeology!
View of Las Vegas Strip in the distance.
Historic Oil Tower in the distance.
The Gardens at the Springs Preserve
(Recycled Art by Dave Thompson)

Miscellaneous Shots at the Springs Preserve
The Ori-Gen Experience
The Rotunda
View of the Vegas Strip in the distance.
The Ori-Gen Experience
The Springs Cafe

Thus, I leave you with an excerpt from Madonna's "B-Day Song," which I played repeatedly throughout the day.

"I know it's gonna be a good day.
Oh yeah! Today is my birthday!
I'm a happy girl.
In a happy world."

So it's your birthday.  Go forth and celebrate your life!

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