Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Merry Christmas!

BB and I ate at Denny's for breakfast and then picked up a couple of DVDs from Blockbuster. That was how we spent our Christmas. It is, by far, the best Christmas we've had. Why? Because we're together and in love. And because my special gift from BB had me screaming for more. Ahem! Need I elaborate?! Buy the book!

Quinn's spending Christmas back home with the family. Last I heard, they found his box but have yet to find his luggage. I'd be fuming mad. I hope they find his luggage BEFORE he leaves on December 28. How awful.

Jacob and Lucas called to wish BB and I a Merry Christmas. They were making mimosas (sp?). What the hell is a mimosa?

BB's in bed, and I'm about to publish this post. All is quiet. Peaceful. The way it should be.

May the holidays fill you and yours with warmth, love, happiness, and peace.

I know, I know. I promised you a Christmas photo. Here's a close-up of our tree. Enjoy!

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